Copy multiple files with same name from different directories
I regularly do this. So I automated it.Below is a small simple script for copying files which are present in two different directories but without same names into a single directory with having name collision.
#!/usr/bin/sh for i in `find <source_dir_path> -type f` do new=`echo $i|nawk -F"/" '{split($NF,a,".");print "<target_dir_path>"a[1]"_"$(NF-1)"."a[2]}'` cp $i $new done
I have the files a few levels deep within each subfolder. I have been trying to move the files into /home/alistair/Documents/spmresults/. But only two itterations of the same filename have actually copied:
Do you have any idea to correct this?
for i in $(find ./ -name -type f)
new=`echo $i|nawk -F"/" '{split($NF,a,".");print"/home/alistair/Documents/spmresults/"a[1]"_"$(NF-1)"."a[2]}'`
cp $i $new